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Meet Pyxis™

Technology to transform fulfillment

Pyxis plans, directs, and connects your team for unmatched efficiency

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Pyxis Hub work execution dashboard
Pyxis Point Picking Workflow screenshot

The Power of Pyxis

Man using Pyxis in warehouse with Lumabots

Fast and continuous fulfillment orchestration

Pyxis technology independently coordinates robot and people workflows—bringing the right picker and robot together at the right time to drastically reduce downtime and aisle congestion

Smart order optimization

Pyxis technology optimizes your order queue—prioritizing rush orders, grouping orders as needed, and allocating tasks properly across zones and robots. This results in denser picks, and more efficient picker and robot travel

Inform and empower your fulfillment team

Pyxis™ technology removes the guesswork from picking—workers know where to go, which Lumabot™ to meet, what to pick, and where to put it. This reduces wasted travel, boosts throughput, and enhances accuracy

Meet Pyxis Point

Arm your team with the information they need to perform

Our Pyxis Point mobile application guides workers through induction and picking. Workers don't need to rely on Lumabots for direction. This streamlines decision-making and cuts downtime for both pickers and robots.

Pyxis™️ point and put to light shelving

Meet Pyxis Hub


Pyxis Hub Work Execution Dashboard on iPad

Order Insights in Real Time

Dashboard views provide real time insight on your team's progress, keeping you informed and up to speed on what's been completed, what's in progress, and what needs your attention. Pyxis Hub gives you the data you need to quickly take action–enabling faster, more efficient fulfillment.

Pyxis Hub Robots Dashboard on iPad

Recognize Your Top Performers

Fine-tune your fulfillment operations with team-based and individual performance views. Boost picking productivity and identify opportunities for improvement or recognition across your team by diving into the data.

Fulfillment Powered by Pyxis

Our unique technology is your secret weapon for accurate and efficient end-to-end fulfillment. Learn how the Pyxis Point mobile application and Pyxis Hub performance insights can improve the flow of goods in your facility by optimizing and maximizing your existing resources.

Let’s Meet

Our Meet Me solution can be deployed to fit your unique needs and help strengthen your business objectives, so you can achieve and deliver on your operational goals. Ready to learn more?